An Apple a Day Could Save Thousands of Lives, Study Indicates


It turns out that eating an apple a day actually might keep the doctor away – and could potentially save thousands of lives too.

In a study published in the Christmas edition of the British Medical Journal (BMJ), researchers from Oxford University sought to examine what would really happen if an entire population followed the advice of the popular proverb, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Using data modeling tools, study author Dr. Adam Briggs analyzed how the national health of people over the age of 50 in Britain would be affected if they committed to eating one apple a day, without increasing their overall caloric intake. Then, he compared this to the effects of placing everyone in the country on statins – if they were not already taking them. Statins have been proven to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“In the U.K., at the moment (statins) are advised if you are at high risk of cardiovascular disease,” Briggs, of the BHF Health Promotion Research Group at Oxford University, told “So we said, let’s see what happens if we give them to everyone else as well, and that came out to 9,500 fewer deaths per year, in people over 50 years old.”

To Briggs’ surprise, an apple a day had a similarly impressive effect on the population.

“If everyone (ate an apple a day), we estimate 8,500 fewer deaths from heart disease and stroke every year,” Briggs said.

While the study didn’t examine why apples seem to demonstrate such a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health, Briggs noted that the fruit has high nutritional value.

“Fruit and (vegetables) broadly speaking contain fiber, which is one thing known to have beneficial effects on health,” Briggs said. “More so, with apples, they’re a natural source of antioxidants and flavonoids which are all related to better cardiovascular health.”

While these results seem promising, Briggs warns that people already on statins definitely shouldn’t think about replacing them with an apple.

“Those currently taking (statins) should continue to do so, but they might also benefit from adding an apple to their diet,” Briggs noted.

The Christmas edition of BMJ is known for publishing tongue-in-cheek research – but Briggs noted that it’s all backed up by real data.

“Small changes to your diet can have a really meaningful impact on population health, just adding an apple a day,” Briggs said.

Amanda Woerner (December 18, 2013). An Apple a Day Could Save Thousands of Lives, Study Indicates. Retrieved from

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Maximum Metabolism Diet & Exercise Plan

What is ‘The Maximum Metabolism™ Plan’?

The Maximum Metabolism plan is designed for you to safely and permanently:

  • Increase your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR)
  • Lose excess body fat
  • Build and tone muscles
  • Create a positive change in your appearance
  • Develop healthy lifestyle habits
  • Achieve a greater feeling of personal well-being

The Maximum Metabolism plan allows you to eat healthy, delicious and filling food — while reducing fat and calories. You’ll increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR…metabolism when you’re resting) to burn fat more efficiently on a daily basis. You’ll develop a simple daily exercise regimen to maintain muscle tone — while still burning more fat. You’ll acquire the good habits so all-important in maintaining a leaner, healthy body.

What we ‘do’ is what we ‘get.’

The key to weight-loss is multi-faceted. It embodies more than simply “going on a diet” if you hope to make it permanent. The long-term answer lies in changing our eating habits and exercising properly. (Most of us know how to eat right…we just don’t do it.)  There are generally deep emotional issues around our being overweight. So a strong “will” and determination is necessary to make the required changes in our lifestyle. That’s why it’s important for you to decide just how much weight you should lose — not somebody else. It’s good to ask for support from those significant others in your life. (Though sometimes those nearest and dearest to you can inadvertently sabotage your earnest efforts to achieve well-being.) So learn to feel good about the steps you are taking towards your goal. Acknowledge yourself every day.

Ten Steps to changing your life

  • 1. Supplement each day at the proper time to increase your energy, BMR and determination.
  • 2. Exercise for 20 to 60 minutes, preferably in the morning, 5 to 7 times a week.
  • 3. Eat a low-fat, balanced diet of three meals and two snacks every day.
  • 4. Take a complex multi-vitamin daily , such as Source Naturals Life Force™.
  • 5. Eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables every day.
  • 6. Drink six to eight glasses of water every day.
  • 7. Limit or stop drinking alcohol.
  • 8. Stop eating two to three hours before bedtime.
  • 9. Reach for your walking shoes before reaching for the fridge.
  • 10. Acknowledge yourself and the steps you took towards your goal each day.

What kind of ‘exercise’ is required?

A combination of a regular walking program with appropriate aerobic and weight exercise is essential for best results. The Maximum Metabolism exercise plan takes only a short time each day, and is designed to help you reduce stress, increase energy levels, burn calories, lose unwanted fat and gain muscle tone. And remember, the more muscle tissue you have…the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR)…and the more calories you’ll burn.  It’s best to exercise in the morning so that you get the higher BMR benefit all day long. Another important, though less known, benefit of daily exercise is that it causes the release of endorphins, or ‘feel good’ hormones in the brain.

Walking & Aerobics

Walking has become a very popular aerobic exercise simply because it works. One only needs good shoes, comfortable clothes and several minutes a day. It will improve both leg strength and toning, preserve lean muscle mass, and help you lose fat.  The average optimum walking distance and pace ranges from 1-4 miles a day at about 3-6 miles per hour. This translates to between 10 and 20 minutes to walk one mile. After stretching your leg muscles for a few minutes, start with a short distance and gradually work your way up to longer and more swiftly-paced walks. The object is to walk at a brisk pace, so that you’ll start burning calories immediately, and after approximately 18 minutes, begin to burn fat.

Beginner’s walking program

  • Total exercise time: 45 minutes.
  • Warm-up: 3-4 minutes of stretching.
  • Total walk time: 35-40 minutes.
  • Aerobic workout: Mileage – 1.5 miles.
  • Pace: 2.5 miles per hour.
  • Cool-down: 3-4 minutes of after-walk stretches.
  • Frequency: 5 times a week.
  • Weekly mileage: 7.5 miles.

Advanced walking program

  • Total exercise time: 60 minutes.
  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of stretching.
  • Total walk time: 45-50 minutes.
  • Aerobic workout: Mileage – 3 miles.
  • Pace: 4 miles per hour.
  • Cool-down: 3-4 minutes of after-walk stretches.
  • Frequency: 5 times a week. (You can walk 3 miles a day for 5 days – or 2 miles every day.)
  • Weekly mileage: 15 miles.

For a change, you can switch certain days of your walking plan with other aerobic exercises such as jogging, biking or dance aerobic workouts. You can use an exercise bike, rower, treadmill, stepper or swim laps. You could join a health club, or do it with a friend. The point is to exercise regularly on an established, weekly basis.

Weight Training

Another very important aspect to regaining a healthy new you is getting involved in some form of appropriate weight training. Whether you decide to join a club, or check out some of the excellent books on the subject for in-home use, weight training can be a significant part of your attaining a healthy body. We simply need to understand that as we get older and less physically active in our daily lives, it’s increasingly necessary to reverse the sedentary process that got us here in the first place.

A good weight training program can rebuild, reshape and continually increase the size of your muscles. Muscle makes you look and feel thinner, as muscles take up 20% less space than fat. Adding muscle will:

  • Raise your metabolism further to melt more fat away.
  • Tighten flabby body areas.
  • Allow you to eat more calories of favorite foods.

So get out there and enjoy your surroundings, the weather, the new day, and a newly emerging healthy you.

 Source Naturals (n.d.). Maximum Metabolism Diet & Exercise Plan. Retrieved from

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Nature’s Bounty: Optimal Solutions Extra Strength Hair, Skin and Nails

Being healthy is always beautiful. With Nature’s Bounty® Optimal Solutions® Extra Strength Hair, Skin & Nails formula with Argan Oil you’ll look good and feel great! It contains just the right balance of nutrients to support lustrous hair, healthy nails and vibrant skin.

This innovative formula provides you with the vital nutrients and latest ingredients in beauty care to support your natural beauty from within. High potency B Vitamins help with energy metabolism and Biotin helps to maintain healthy hair and promotes healthy nails by acting at the nail matrix, the base of the nail. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that also contributes to skin health, and Vitamin C is involved in collagen production and formation, which forms the basis for vibrant skin. Vitamin A assists with skin maintenance and overall health.

Lustrous Hair
Vibrant Skin
Healthy Nails
About Nature’s Bounty®
Health-conscious people have trusted Nature’s Bounty® for decades. Our dedication to quality, consistency, and scientific research has resulted in vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence. By combining the latest breakthroughs in nutritional science with the finest ingredients, we’re proud to provide you with supplements of unsurpassed quality and value.

Nature’s Bounty® supplements are overseen by our scientists, manufacturing specialists and quality experts, each one dedicated to maintaining the highest quality standards. As part of our commitment to quality, Nature’s Bounty® only uses ingredients from suppliers that meet our stringent Quality Assurance Standards, as well as GMP food quality standards. Every Nature’s Bounty® product is subjected to numerous quality tests and assays throughout the manufacturing process to verify purity and full potency. As an added measure of quality assurance, the initial ingredients, as well as the final product are tested in our microbiological laboratory to make certain that the product is pure and free of harmful bacteria.

At Nature’s Bounty®, we don’t just test and retest our products, we put our people and even our laboratory to the test, too. We’re proud that our facilities have been successfully audited by the United States Pharmacopeia and STR (Specialized Technology Resources), a leading independent dietary supplement quality evaluation firm.

See more:

Nature’s Bounty (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Advanced Nutrition for Female Support

Featured Items

Eve Women’s Multi-Vitamin, 90 Softgels, NOW Foods

Female Balance, with Wild Yam, Dong Quai and GLA, 90 Capsules, NOW Foods

Soy Isoflavones 60mg 120 VCaps Non-GE, NOW Foods

D-Mannose 500 mg, 120 Capsules, NOW Foods

Today’s active woman has mastered the ability to balance family,  work, and social responsibilities. This unending to-do list, coupled  with constantly evolving nutritional needs, can be emotionally and  physically draining. In order to function at the top of her game, it  is vital that she provide her system with the compounds needed to  stay healthy, energized, and strong. Let’s review some of the most  fundamental aspects of women’s health, as well as some of the most  effective support supplements.


Considering how on-the-go today’s woman is, she can’t afford to be  lacking in the energy department. Some of today’s most effective  energy-support supplements include B complex vitamins (which also  support healthy hair, skin and nails), as well as Green Tea—a potent  antioxidant. MCT Oil (medium chain triglyceride) serves as an  excellent source of instant energy that also provides the body with a  readily utilized source of beneficial fatty acids. L-Carnitine is another  ideal supplement for energy. This amino-acid like compound transports  fat into the mitochondria of cells, where it is then converted to energy.


In addition to the obvious cosmetic appeal, maintaining a lean, healthy  figure offers many important health benefits. In order to achieve this, it  is important for busy, active women to consume a healthy diet, exercise  regularly, and ensure that her body has all the tools needed to stay fit.  Without adequate protein intake, the body will not have the building  blocks needed to maintain lean muscle, produce hormones, increase  strength, and stay focused. Consuming a quality protein supplement  in between meals, or as a meal replacement, is an easy way to make  sure that her protein needs are being met. Soy protein is high in  phytoestrogens, which may support healthy estrogen levels.

Cognitive Support

The brain, like every other organ in the body, is constantly in need  of nutrition. When the nutrients it needs are not being provided, the  brain can’t do its job properly. Choline and Inositol are two unique  members of the B vitamin family that help support healthy cognitive  function. Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) is an effective phospholipid  that helps relay messages throughout the body, while utilizing its  antioxidant properties to protect neural cells. Some users combine PS  with Ginkgo Biloba extracts for additional cognitive support. Studie have shown that the active compounds  in Ginkgo may help support healthy  neural activity and circulation.

Stress Management

Stress is a normal part of life, and  a defense mechanism that prepares  the body to deal with potential  threats. Chronic and long-term stress,  however, can snowball throughout  the body, negatively impacting the  normal function of several major  systems. In addition to practicing stress  reduction activities, such as exercise,  meditation, and yoga, a number of  dietary supplements have been shown  in studies to help support a healthy,  balanced mood. These include GABA,  Relora®, St. John’s Wort, Kava, and  Valerian root extract.

Healthy Bones

Women are four times more likely  to develop osteoporosis compared to  men, and one in two women over  the age of 50 are expected to suffer a  related fracture. A growing body of  experts believes that these statistics  may be directly related to deficiencies  in key nutrients such as vitamin D,  vitamin K, and calcium. Some studies  have suggested that supplementation,  especially among women who do  not get these nutrients from their  diet, may benefit significantly from  supplementation.

Hormonal Support

Throughout her life, a woman’s  hormone production and activity  will undergo many changes. The  nutritional sciences have helped us  better understand which nutrients  and natural compounds can be  taken safely to ensure balance and  healthy hormone levels. Herbs such  as Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Dong  Quai, Wild Yam, Red Raspberry,  and Chasteberry have been shown  to support a wide range of female  health concerns, including several  associated with menopause. Also,  natural Progesterone lotions are  becoming a more popular alternative  to conventional hormone therapy.



NOW Foods Inc. (n.d.). Women’s Health. Retrieved from

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Enzymes: Vital for Human Health

Featured Items

Super Enzymes Caps, 180 Capsules, NOW Foods

Dairy Digest Complete, Maximum Dairy Digestion, 90 Vcaps, NOW Foods

Serrazimes 20,000 Units, 90 Vcaps, NOW Foods

Gluten Digest Enzymes, 60 Vcaps, NOW Foods

Optimal Digestive System, Clinically Tested Enzymes, 90 Vcaps, NOW Foods

Enzymes are specialized proteins that carry out billions of reactions each second throughout the body. As the body’s biochemical workforce, they function as messengers, supply the raw materials needed for growth and recovery, deliver vital nutrients, remove waste, communicate messages, and facilitate energy transfer. Without enzymes, chemical reactions that take split seconds would cease instantly, reducing the human body to an inoperable arrangement of cellular clutter.

Enzymes come from two sources: those made by the body, and those obtained from food. This ability to manufacture our own enzymes might lead some to believe that our supply is unlimited, however, that is not the case. Human beings have what is known as enzyme potential, and each person’s DNA is programmed to produce a specific amount of enzymes throughout their lifetime. Fortunately, they can also be obtained from food sources. Increasing the amount of enzymes obtained from food sources and dietary supplementation is a smart way to prevent the body’s self-manufactured reserve from becoming exhausted. The body produces specific enzymes to carry out specific actions, and each one is important in its own, unique way. Metabolic enzymes support the day-to-day biochemical reactions that allow the body to function properly. Food enzymes stimulate the digestive process, while digestive enzymes break down solid foods used to nourish the body. Proteolytic enzymes break down proteins into smaller units, including those that form during or after an injury. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most fundamental enzymatic functions.

Enzymes and Digestion

One of the most important functions of enzymes is digestion, where they assist in the breakdown of food and nutrient absorption. Raw foods are especially rich in digestive enzymes, and regular consumption can help support the digestive process. Some of the most enzyme-rich foods include avocados, bananas, carrots, dates, extra virgin olive oil kiwi, mangos, papaya, pineapple, raw honey, and sprouts. Individuals who regularly consume fast food and processed food should strongly consider taking an enzyme supplement to ensure that they are getting the amount they need every day.

Dairy Intolerance

It has been estimated that approximately 30 to 50 million Americans suffer from dairy intolerance. Until now, the vast majority of these individuals have been limited to enzyme formulas that address only one part of the problem—lactose. Lactose intolerance stems from a person’s inability to digest milk sugar, or lactose. This alone does not cause “dairy” intolerance. The high protein and fat content associated with many dairy products can also make digestion difficult. In order to properly digest these foods, the body must have an ample supply of the enzymes needed to break down lactose, protein, and fat. NOW® Foods Dairy Digest (opposite page) is an innovative enzyme formula that was designed to address this concern.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes are actively involved in many cardiovascular, immune system, and inflammatory processes. Once utilized, they scour the body in search of large, abandoned protein molecules. Along the way, they eliminate fibrin—insoluble proteins that collect near damaged tissues. Excess fibrin can interfere with normal clotting processes, cause inflammation, and compromise the normal function of other major systems throughout the body. Proteolytic enzymes play an important role in the process of recovery and healing, and are equally important for all around good health.

Gluten Sensitivity

As many as 20 million Americans reportedly have difficulty digesting gluten, a proline-containing peptide found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, and dairy. Even more concerning, an estimated 3 million gluten-sensitive individuals have been clinically diagnosed with chronic glutenrelated conditions. NOW Foods recently introduced Gluten Digest, an innovative enzyme supplement that helps break down certain grains and gluten. On your road to good health, it is important to make sure that you are getting the enzymes you need. This is especially true if your diet is less-than-perfect. NOW Foods offers a broad selection of enzyme supplements.


NOW Foods. (n.d.). Enzymes. Retrieved from

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Foligain Minoxidil Foam For Women Hair Regrowth

There are hair regrowth products and then there’s FOLIGAIN.P2® 2% MINOXIDIL Topical Solution, the latest breakthrough in hair regrowth technology! FOLIGAIN.P2® 2% MINOXIDIL Topical Solution utilizes the highest-purity research-grade materials, which translates into the most effective hair loss and regrowth treatment on the market today.

With a total of three bottles (approximately three month supply), FOLIGAIN.P2® 2% MINOXIDIL Topical Solution contains active ingredients shown to help prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth on the scalp area in men.

What is Minoxidil?
Minoxidil was first created as a blood pressure medication but patients began to notice they were growing more hair! With a change of direction, doctors started prescribing minoxidil as a hair-loss supplement that promotes a full, healthy head of hair. Minoxidil hair treatments are available in 5% or 2% propylene glycol topical solutions. The propylene glycol ensures that the applied minoxidil is spread evenly across the scalp area and effectively absorbed through the skin.

Hair Regrowth:

FOLIGAIN.P2® 2% MINOXIDIL Topical Solution stimulates the scalp area—specifically the deadened hair follicles—which exerts maximum hair growth on the crown of the head.

Stop Hair Loss and Thinning:
Utilizing 2% minoxidil, FOLIGAIN.P2® improves blood flow to the scalp area, effectively stimulating deadened hair follicles to help slow/stop hair thinning.

See more at:

FOLIGAIN.P2® 2% MINOXIDIL Topical Solution for Hair Regrowth (n.d.). Retrieved from


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Natural Vitality Natural Calm: Anti-Stress Magnesium Drink

Magnesium and calcium are fundamental nutrients that need to be in balance with each other in order for you to fully experience good health. Their importance on a cellular level is critical. Calcium and magnesium are like opposite sides of a coin. Calcium excites nerves, while magnesium calms them down. Calcium makes muscles contract. Magnesium is necessary for muscles to relax. Calcium is needed for blood clotting, but magnesium keeps the blood flowing freely.

Calcium & Magnesium: A Matter of Balance

You experience the tensing (calcium) and relaxing (magnesium) interaction of these two elements each time your heart beats, when you feel your pulse, and every time you breathe.

When we are under stress, our cells—which in their resting state contain magnesium—go through a change. Calcium, normally outside the cells, enters the cells and the calcium level becomes high. This is the action state in which a muscle cell, for example, will contract and tense the muscle. The magnesium then pushes the calcium out of the cell and the cell is again in its resting, relaxed state. Think of it as an on-off switch. The “off” is magnesium and the “on” is calcium.

But what happens to a cell that is not in balance—where the magnesium level in the body is deficient?

In simple terms, the “off” switch doesn’t fully turn off. That means calcium can continuously leak into the cells and stimulate cell activity (the “on” switch). The result is stress accompanied by one or more of the magnesium deficiency symptoms.

Magnesium helps your muscles and nerves function properly; it keeps your heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system and also assists in keeping your bones strong. This essential mineral helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure and is required for producing and storing energy. It’s easy to see why many researchers say that no single dietary factor is as critical as magnesium.

Calcium—Too Much of a Good Thing?

Calcium deficiency can be a serious issue. It is an important nutrient your body needs every day, but too much calcium can also be a problem.

The recommended adequate intake of calcium according to the National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements, is 1,000 mg for adults aged 19–50 and 1,200 mg for 51 plus. There are many adults who are taking 1,200–1,500 mg of supplemental calcium in addition to their dietary intake of calcium (an 8 oz cup of low-fat fruit yogurt contains 345 mg of calcium and one cup of nonfat milk contains 306 mg). Unassimilated calcium can end up in the soft tissues of the body where it deposits and hardens (calcifies) or in the urine where it may result in kidney stones.

Unless calcium and magnesium are properly balanced, magnesium becomes depleted (too much calcium can itself deplete magnesium levels). This can result in an inability to quickly recover from stress and can itself be a source of stress.

Do You Have a Healthy Magnesium Level?

Most people don’t get enough magnesium, including many who already take magnesium. There are two reasons for this: the amount of magnesium required by the body is greater than people think and many magnesium capsules and tablets are not completely absorbed by the body.

Magnesium deficiency can be caused by a number of stresses on the body, including—but not limited to—lack of adequate dietary magnesium, emotional stress, some drugs (diuretics, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, insulin, cortisone), heavy exercise, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders and too much calcium in the diet.

The Anti-Stress Drink

Natural Calm is the best-selling magnesium supplement on the market for over seven years in a row according to health food supermarket scanner reports. It features a proprietary formula that provides a highly absorbable, water-soluble magnesium in ionic form (having molecular charge that allows the element to easily bond with water), so it is ready to go to work right away.

Natural Calm can gradually reduce accumulated calcium, giving fast relief to many symptoms of magnesium depletion.

Stress Relief and Health

Millions have experienced the stress relief and health benefits Natural Calm provides. Drink stress away naturally with The Anti-Stress Drink. You deserve the best. We want you to experience a new level of health.


See more:

Natural Vitality (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Pure MCT Oil for Weight Management

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s) are fats that are naturally found in coconut and palm kernel oil. MCT’s are more easily and rapidly digested than other types of fats, as they require lower amounts of enzymes and bile acids for intestinal absorption. MCT’s are metabolized very quickly in the liver and are reported to encourage an increase in energy expenditure, while decreasing fat storage. Numerous studies suggest that substituting MCT Oil for other fats in a healthy diet may therefore help to support healthy weight and body composition.

NOW® MCT Oil is Pharmaceutical Grade (USP).

See more at:

NOW Foods MCT Oil (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Healthy Breakfast Tips: Apple Zucchini Flax Pancakes

Featured Items

Organic Flax Seeds, 2 lb, NOW Foods

Beet Sugar 3 lb, NOW Foods

Olive Oil Liquid Extra Virgin, 16 oz, NOW Foods

These are light, airy and delicious!   1/3 cup measure, yields 12 pancakes


1 1/4 cups unbleached flour or 1 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup milled NOW Real Food® Flax Seed
3 Tbsp. NOW Real Food® Beet Sugar
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg 2 eggs, separated, whites stiffly beaten
1 1/4 cups milk
1/2 cup shredded apple
1/2 cup shredded zucchini
3 Tbsp. NOW Real Food® Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  1. In a large bowl combine dry ingredients.
  2. In a medium bowl, lightly beat together egg yokes, milk and oil.
  3. Add liquid to dry and stir only until combined.
  4. Shred apple and zucchini add to batter until combined.
  5. Fold in egg whites. Preheat pan to medium heat and lightly grease.


Sylvia Finlay. (n.d.). Apple Zucchini Flax Pancakes. Retrieved from

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Time to Get Nutty!

Hankering for a nutritious snack? Nuts make a healthy and satisfying choice.

Shunned for a while due to their high calorie loads, nuts are now making a comeback. And for very good reasons . . .

- Raw and roasted nuts are loaded with nutrients, making them an ideal snack food for kids and adults
- Nuts are a natural source of healthy fatty acids
- Almonds are a natural source of protein, fiber and healthy fatty acids. In fact, almonds may be the most nutrient-rich tree nut of them all.
- Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.
At NOW Real Food we carry a full range of nuts. We carry popular ones like cashews and almonds, as well as less well-known nuts like Brazil nuts and pine nuts. Our organic pine nuts make delicious pesto. Or add them to your favorite bread recipe or salad.

All of our nuts are processed and packaged with our industry-leading commitment to quality.

So if you’re looking to buy nuts online to satisfy your snack cravings . . .

Check out our full range of nuts now!



NOW Foods (n.d.). Raw Nuts . . . Roasted Nuts . . . Organic Nuts . . . Find Your Favorites Here! Retrieved from

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