7-Keto "The Key to Healthy Aging" test

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7-Keto DHEA 100 mg, 30 Tablets, Source Naturals

7-Keto DHEA 100 mg, 60 Tablets, Source Naturals

7-Keto DHEA 50mg 30 tabs from Source Naturals

7-Keto DHEA 50mg 60 tabs from Source Naturals

About Dr. John L. Zenk

  • John L. Zenk, M.D., is Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for Humanetics Corporation and President and Medical Director of Minnesota Applied Research Center, both located in Eden Prairie, MN. He has spoken nationally and internationally on the subjects of integrating conventional and complementary medicine, anti-aging technologies, evaluating the effectiveness of alternative medicine, and dietary supplement research and development. He is author of the book Living Longer in the Boomer Age, and co-author of the book Age Wise and is a frequent contributor to national media. He has served as Principal Investigator for 15 controlled clinical studies, three of which were recently published in national peer-reviewed journals, and has presented abstracts at the 11th World Congress for Food Science and Technology and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

The global population is aging at an alarming rate and causing an explosion in health care costs, insurance premiums, cosmetic surgery and more. In the U.S. alone, more than one million baby boomers are expected to live to 100 years of age or older. This increased life expectancy presents a whole new set of health concerns that the medical community has not had time to address, since there is a greater need to care for age-related health problems in this ever-growing elderly population.1

Aging and the Decline in Vital Nutrients

We all grow old at the same rate but people age at different rates. Aging is a process of gradual changes that occur to varying degrees in each of us. Interestingly, the aging process is composed of different components and interactions, some of which can be impacted. One such component is the declining level of essential biological compounds, which causes our bodily functions to slow and become dysfunctional. Our organs don?t work efficiently, our immune system becomes lazy, we lack energy, our metabolism drops and we gain weight easily.1
7-oxo DHEA (7-Keto™) is a naturally occurring compound that declines with age.2 Replacing this key metabolite helps promote a healthy immune system and maintains resting metabolic rate at levels that accelerate weight loss during standard weight reduction programs.

Aging and a Healthy Immune System

Numerous changes occur in the immune system with advancing age, probably contributing to decreased immune responsiveness. Although all segments of the immune system are affected, investigators have most consistently identified declines in cellular or T-cell mediated immune function in the elderly. The decline in T-cell immune function is generally associated with an increased susceptibility to foreign organisms. For example, individuals with age-related declines in cellular immunity have an impaired response to vaccinations, making them more susceptible to health imbalances even though they have had their shots.
In a clinical study presented at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology meeting in April 2004, the effect of 7-Keto on elderly immune function was evaluated. Healthy elderly adults were given 7-Keto orally twice daily over a period of one month. The study revealed that 7-Keto augmented several key T-cell mediated immune function parameters compared to placebo administration.4

Age-Related Weight Gain

Age-related weight gain and obesity are approaching epidemic proportions in our country.5 Weight gain is a disorder of energy balance involving energy intake and/or expenditure. Low energy expenditure, a drop in resting metabolic rate (RMR), is a challenge during most weight loss attempts due to age, calorie restriction, lack of physical activity or a combination of factors. RMR represents 60% of total daily energy expenditure.
Maintaining a higher RMR as we age and during weight reduction programs helps us achieve and maintain a normal weight. Furthermore, compounds with the thermogenic potential to achieve even minimal increases in daily energy expenditure of 2-3% may have clinical relevance in preventing the decline in RMR with calorie restricted diets or weight loss, and in decreasing the risk of regaining weight. 7-Keto, a non-stimulant thermogenic compound, has been shown to significantly increase energy expenditure in humans.6
A recently completed clinical study, also presented at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2004 meeting, revealed that administration of 7-Keto to overweight adults in conjunction with a calorie restricted diet effectively reversed the decline in RMR normally associated with dieting. Obese participants following a calorie-restricted diet demonstrated a 5.4% increase in daily RMR with 7-Keto.7
The magnitude of the increase in RMR by 7-Keto is clinically relevant, and represents a promising agent for enhancing thermogenesis and weight loss in obese individuals on calorie-restricted diets. Additionally, 7-Keto has been shown in two confirmatory published clinical studies to result in three times more weight loss compared to diet and exercise alone. It has a favorable side effect profile and is easy and convenient to take.8,9
Our life expectancies will likely be longer than those of our parents, and our quality of life during those years will depend on how well we take care of our bodies now. Undoubtedly, the science of aging will give rise to new and exciting technologies to help us age more gracefully and healthfully. Maintenance of healthy immune function is keenly needed for improved quality of life in the elderly. Dietary manipulation and supplementation has been identified as a method of immune system renewal, and supplements such as 7-Keto may play an important future role as immune system modulators.
Moreover, the addition of 7-Keto to any weight loss program will offer vital support of energy expenditure and help with the attainment of a manageable and healthy weight into our older years.


1. 1995 White House Conference on Aging, ?Executive Summary: The Road to an Aging Policy for the 21st Century,” February 1996: 17-18.
2. Marenich LP. Secretion of Testosterone, Epitestosterone, Androstenedione, and 7-Keto-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Men of Different Ages. Prob Endokrinol. 1979; 25(4): 28-31.
3. Ginaldi L, De Martinis M, D?Ostilio A, Marini L, Loreto MF, Quaglino D. Immunological Changes in the Elderly. Aging 1999; 11(5): 281-286.
4. Zenk JL, Kuskowski MA. The Use of 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone for Augmenting Immune Response in the Elderly, Abstract Presented at the meeting of the FASEB, April 17, 2004, Manuscript submitted for publication.
5. Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Ogden CL, Johnson CL. Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults. 1999-2000. JAMA 2002;288:1723-1727.
6. Astrup A. Thermogenic Drugs as a Strategy for Treatment of Obesity. Endocrine 2000;13(2):207-212.
7. Zenk JL, Leikam SA, Kassen LJ, Kuskowski MA. A Prospective, Randomized, Double Blind Study to Evaluate the Effect of HUM5007 and 7-oxo DHEA on Resting Metabolic Rate in Overweight Adult Men and Women on a Calorie Restricted Diet, Abstract Presented at the meeting of the FASEB, April 17, 2004, Manuscript submitted for publication.
8. Kalman DS, Colker CM, Swain MA, Torina GC, Shi Q. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl-7-Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Overweight Adults. Current Therapeutic Research 2000;61: 435-442.
9. Zenk JL, Helmer TR, Kassen LJ, Kuslowski MA. The Effect of 7-Keto Naturalean on Weight Loss: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Current Therapeutic Research 2002; 63:263-272.

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NutriBiotic: the Best Grapefruit Seed Leader


In 1980, NutriBiotic was founded based on the principle that everyone deserves good health. Inspired by the research and recommendations of two-time Nobel Laureate, Linus Pauling, Ph.D., we began work on development of a variety of forms and dosages of Vitamin C and other nutrients. NutriBiotic felt that the public should have the best possible variety of the best possible nutrients at the best possible price, and their initial successes with their family of products showed that you thought so too.   Soon after NutriBiotic began filling the need for quality nutritional supplements, NutriBiotic found another need — the need for high quality, nutrient dense protein for the chemical and food sensitive individual.

In 1987, NutriBiotic pioneered the process and use of grapefruit seed extract. You will find the fruits of our labors in a range of products including our skin cleansers, shower gels, bubble bath, dental gels, deodorants, body and foot powder, liquid concentrate, CapsulesPlus, and more.   NutriBiotic stands committed to providing the very best for you and your family and is  pleased to be able to offer you an ever-expanding range of quality nutritional supplements and personal care formulas developed with the intent of protecting and enhancing your health.

NutriBiotic(n.d.). Retrieved from http://NutriBiotic.com/

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About Digestive Advantage

Whether you’re looking for a daily support to help maintain long term digestive health and immunity or you have specific digestive needs you want a solution that works. Schiff® Digestive Advantage® is that solution. We offer a complete line of probiotic formulas including daily probiotic supplements available as capsules, gummies and chews. We address specific digestive issues with four specially targeted formulations. No matter what your specific need or digestive concern, you’ll find the ideal solution with Digestive Advantage®.

The BC30 Advantage

All of our digestive products contain our exclusive BC30 probiotic. BC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) is a unique, patented strain of probiotic bacteria that is surrounded by a protective layer of proteins. That layer helps protect good bacteria from stomach acids so they arrive alive and well in your intestines, where they’ll do the most good. In fact, laboratory studies show BC30 bacteria survive 10X better than other probiotics, including those found in most yogurt products. BC30 requires no refrigeration.
Targeting Specific Digestive Needs

Digestive Advantage® created specialized formulas that combine our own BC30 probiotic with an added ingredient to target your specific needs.

Enzymes for Gas Defense

Digestive Enzymes work to offer quick relief and help stop occasional intestinal gas and bloating before it starts (when taken with a meal).

Lactase for Lactose Defense

The Lactase enzyme works to help prevent occasional gas, bloating and diarrhead experienced by those with lactose sensitivities.

Lysine for Intensive Bowel Support
Support occasional bowel upset and defend against gas, bloating,and occasional diarrhea.

Magnesium for Constipation
This formula contains Magnesium to help keep your system regular and support digestive function.

Digestive Advantage (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.digestiveadvantage.com/

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MusclePharm Shred Matrix® Live Shredded

SHRED MATRIX® is MusclePharm®’s powerful weight loss system. SHRED MATRIX® is unique — utilizing a comprehensive, multi-system approach to fat loss.   Powerful, but safe and effective for both men and women, SHRED MATRIX® utilizes the body’s multiple energy pathways and systems to promote aggressive mobilization of fat to be burned for fuel.

- Multi-system fat loss support

- Helps provide support against sugar cravings

- No Jitters  - Support overall mood

- Clean energy

SHRED MATRIX® also addresses all the key issues that make fat loss difficult in the first place. SHRED MATRIX® supports improved energy and alertness, enhances mood and mental function, and helps promote appetite regulation.

STAGES 1 AND 2:  Increase Energy and Ramp Up Metabolism.

STAGES 3 AND 4:  Crush Hunger.

STAGE 5:  Balance Mood and Enhance Well-Being.

STAGE 6:  Razor-Sharp Mental Focus Support Without Jitters.

STAGE 7:  Eliminate Excess Water.

STAGE 8:  Sugar Stop™ and Enzyme Aid Matrix.


See more: http://www.vitasprings.com/muscle-pharm.html


Muscle Pharm (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.musclepharm.com/

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What's Nutiva Organic Red Palm Oil

Grown on small organic family farms in Ecuador, our Red Palm is certified Organic, Non-GMO and Fair Trade. Nutiva partner with Natural Habitats™ to ensure that no deforestation or habitat destruction results from the growing or harvesting process.

Nutiva’s unrefined red palm oil has a mild carrot-like flavor, with a rich, buttery texture. Some red palm oils have a strong or harsh flavor, however, Nutiva’s proprietary cold-filtration process removes any strong flavor while retaining the nutrients. It’s ideal for soups, sauces and sautéing. It also turns regular popcorn into delicious (and healthy!) movie theater-style popcorn.

Nutiva is excited to be launching a full line of new red palm oil products to provide even more ways for you to integrate red palm into your diet.

Natural Habitats seeks to empower and support farmers. Committed to the sustainable production of organic and fairly traded products, they also contribute to social development in the community through education and nutrition programs. They allocate 1% of sales to social and environmental stewardship programs. Projects have included building a small health clinic and providing sports uniforms for the local youth.

The region in Ecuador where Nutiva Organic Red Palm Oil is grown has numerous small family farms, averaging 10 hectares (about 25 acres), interspersed throughout the regional forests. These subsistence farms were planted many years ago and are now being worked by second and third generation farming families.

Palm oil grown in Southeast Asia is associated with destruction of rainforest and orangutan habitat. It is important to note that in addition to the work we do with Natural Habitats, orangutans do not live in Ecuador and Nutiva’s red palm does not contribute to deforestation or habitat destruction.


Nutiva (n.d.). Organic Red Palm Oil Retrieved from https://store.nutiva.com/red-palm-oil/

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Natural Factors BlueRich™ Super Strength Blueberry Concentrate

Natural Factors creates BlueRich™ softgels from fresh blueberries, to provide a superior source of blueberry’s unique health promoting compounds. The softgels are a potent source of blueberry powder containing a 36:1 extract that provides 36 times the antioxidant power of fresh berries. It is made by Natural Factors from 100% natural blueberry fruit solids, without using any solvents, preservatives, added sugars, water, flavorings or color. Blueberries are high on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale. Research is showing that high ORAC fruits and vegetables may help protect against common day-to-day oxidative damage.

See more: http://www.vitasprings.com/natural-factors.html

Natural Factors (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.naturalfactors.com/

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Nature's Way DIM-plus Improves Estrogen Metabolism

Nature’s Way DIM-plus™ contains diindolylmethane, a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.

Nature’s Way Diindolylmethane (pronounced: dye-indo-leel-methane) has unique benefits that support the activity of enzymes that improve estrogen metabolism.

Diindolylmethane or DIM for short, as well as indole-3 carbinol (I3C) are plant nutrients found in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and other related vegetables. Research has shown that DIM improves the way estrogen and other reproductive hormones are metabolized in the body. However, the research on I3C has been mixed, with some studies showing benefits and other studies having negative results.

As a dietary supplement, Nature’s Way DIM Plus provides the exact compounds that are found in vegetables. It’s fully active and ready to be absorbed, while IC3 must first be synthesized into DIM after it’s digested. When combined with vitamin E and phosphatidylcholine, DIM is highly absorbable. IC3, on the other hand, has an unpredictable absorption rate. The stability of IC3 is very low compared to DIM’s, too. Some research has shown IC3 may cause certain side effects, including stomach upset and dizziness; DIM has no known side effects. Therefore, DIM-plus™ features active DIM. There is no I3C in the product.

See more: http://www.vitasprings.com/nature-s-way.html

Nature’s Way (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.naturesway.com/

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Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

Fetured Item

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass, Weight Gainer, 12 lb

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass, Weight Gainer, 12 lb


Serious Mass is the ultimate in weight gain formulas. With 1,250 calories per serving and 50 grams of protein for muscle recovery, this instantized powder makes the ideal post-workout and between meals shake for sizing up your goals. Serious Mass provides you with the tools you need to pack on the pounds and help you develop the physique you’ve always wanted.

Beyond The Basics

- Adding Calories Has Never Been This Easy or Tasted So Good


- Over 250 g of Carbohydrates with NO ADDED SUGAR

- Creatine, Glutamine, and Glutamic Acid

- 25 Vitamins and Essential Minerals


See more: http://www.vitasprings.com/optimum-nutrition.html

References Optimum Nutrition (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.optimumnutrition.com/

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Worth Buying Fish Oil from Kirkland Signature

As a company that prides itself on exceptional quality at the best possible price, it made good business sense for Costco to develop its own brand to sell alongside big names such as Kleenex, Duracell and Persil. But when you already sell brand names at the lowest possible price, how do you convince members to take a leap of faith on a new private label? The short answer is great value.
In 1995, Costco created the Kirkland Signature label, named after the city of Kirkland, Washington, where the Home Office was located at the time. Today Kirkland Signature is one of the most powerful private labels brands in America. We can do more with Kirkland Signature products than other private labels says Tim Rose, Senior Vice President, Food & Sundries because we move huge volumes and our standards for excellence and value, we impact other name brands pricing as well as their quality.

Some of our most popular item Fish Oil…

Kirkland Signature fish supply comes from deep ocean waters. Our fish oil is not supplied from farm-raised fish. State-of-the-art molecular distillation process is used to remove mercury, PCBs and dioxins, which guarantees purity and potency with reduced fish odor, on all Kirkland Signature fish oil products. The fish oil is derived from a variety of fish species, to maximize omega-3 fatty acid concentration.

Along with stocking private label products in almost every merchandise category, virtually all of our Bakery, Fresh Meat and Service Deli items carry the Kirkland Signature name.

Kirkland Signature is a KRW 7.3 trillion brand, and growing!
Accounts for 24 percent of Food & Sundries sales in the U.S.A. And 20 percent globally
Toilet Tissue is the most popular Kirkland Signature product (approx.KRW 545 billion globally.)
Costco continues to grow the Kirkland Signature brand, and prides itself on maintaining its high standards for quality value and price.

We don’t just sell Kirkland Signature… We are Kirkland Signature.

See more: http://www.vitasprings.com/kirkland.html

Costco (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.costco.com/

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Nourish Your Life with ZonePerfect Bar


Protein and great flavor to help you nourish your life.

Zone Perfect set out to create nutrition bars for people like you- multitaskers with busy schedules who don’t always have time to slow down or stop to recharge. So Zone Perfect combined the insight, passion and expertise of nutritionists, chefs- and people like you- to develop protein-rich and irresistibly flavorful nutrition bars designed to help you stay in your zone.

Since 2003 and around 24 bars and growing, Zone Perfect is going strong. Every day, Zone Perfect is working on new flavor combinations and delving deeper into nutritional needs, wants, and benefits so that Zone Perfect can continue to be the first to introduce you to even more nutritious and tasty products.


Zone Perfect (n.d.). Retrieved from http://zoneperfect.com/

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