Drop Some NIAGEN for Pumping Up More Energy


Need more energy?

Doctor’s Best will cover that extra boost you need in order for you to outlast the day, whether for your after-work gym activities or for a simple extra time to spend you’re your loved ones. Doctor’s Best Energy featuring NIAGEN is a dietary supplement that promotes energy-dependent regulation of cell functions in your body and facilitates the utilization of glucose and fat that the body needs to produce energy. Primarily, this will keep your well-being up-and-running for few more hours, giving you more time for extra activities.

Niagen on the Job

Thanks to its key ingredients – primarily Niagen – this supplement will help supply the body with Nicotinamide Riboside or N(r), a supposed Vitamin B3’s (Niacin) next generation that is responsible for converting food into chemical energy, as well as for the regulation of the body’s metabolism. Basically, this Nicotinamide Ribosode is being converted into a co-enzyme called Nucotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a vital factor in metabolism and energy production of the body.

Along with this, Niagen is also responsible for the conversion of fats into Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP in the event the level of body’s Glucose declines. ATP is responsible for transporting chemical energy within the cells of the body to commence the metabolism process. This makes ATP go hand-in-hand with NAD+ hence, the lower the ATP, the lower the NAD+, the slower the metabolism process and production of energy.

Moreover the presence of NAD+ of the body aids in maintaining brain health by constantly allotting a chunk of needed energy required by the nerve cells in keeping its function, as well in adapting to sudden body changes, giving you a more active and alert presence of mind.

A Daily Dose of Energy

For daily dose, take 1 capsule, twice for every after meal, or as recommended by your nutritionist to power up your day. Keep up with your active lifestyle and push boundaries by exerting more energy without the exhausted feeling.

Read more: http://www.vitasprings.com/best-energy-niagen-60-capsules-doctor-best.html#.U_74OvmSyHk

References: Doctor’s Best Webpage http://www.drbvitamins.com/

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Ecko Hui